A beginners guide to Flower Arrangements!

Hey loves!

My sister and I had to undergo the daunting task of hosting a dinner party last night, and due to the fact that she has a full time job and I am a full time University student, preparing for this dinner party was far from easy.

Fortunately, our late night cooking show marathons paid off, and we came up with this cute ( not to mention cheap and easy) flower arrangement:

1. Buy flowers from your local grocery store! Flowers at the grocery store are reasonably priced (about $15 -$20) and come with their own flower food, which helps preserve the life of the flowers.




2. Find some relatively affordable vases and pebbles, the ones that we bought were from the dollar store and were not over $20! Then place the pebbles in the vases with the flower food and cold water.


3. The flowers need to be cut to size according the vase , we have both found that cutting small and building up works best (just like most things :p) It’s also at this point that you can trim off any excess leaves.


Finally your ready to put your flowers into the vase and arrange them according to your colour theme!


There you have it! Your flower arrangement is complete! Hope you guys have fun with your own flower arrangement and don’t forget to tag me in your photo’s! My instagram is @rukshaarali_

Winged Eyeliner for Beginners!

Hey loves! A lot of people have trouble with winged eyeliner. Trust me I know the struggle. I myself have learned to get a decent looking eyeliner only recently, and wanted to share with you all how to do it.

Here I used a liquid eyeliner, however if you have not placed your hands on an eyeliner before, or your not steady with a liquid eyeliner, it is best to start with a thin felt tip liner or if your a little more advanced then gel eyeliner and a brush is usually easier to control. Each person is different and you should go with whatever you feel comfortable with.

You should ALWAYS start of with a clean base, the best product I have found that can achieve that is the NARS Cream Eyeshadow Duo in “Madagascar” (A close up is shown at the end of the blog post)


It makes it WAAAAY easier if you rest your elbow on a hard surface or if you rest your pinky finger gently on your cheek. Then simply draw a line going straight up to your eyebrow (not all the way of course :p) – Here a piece of tape helps so much!

Then pull the eyeliner in and join it to your eyelid, be very gentle and let the brush glide naturally. Then all you have to do is fill the wing in and adjust it until your happy with it!


If you mess up, a little bit of makeup remover, concealer and a Q-tip will be your best friend. Don’t worry if your eyeliner isn’t perfect, everyone has good and bad days ( I still mess up 90% of the time!) – Practice really makes perfect in this situation!



Thank you so much for reading this blog and I wish you all the best!


Connect with me:

Instagram : Business: @nishbeauty101: http://instagram.com/nishbeauty101/

Personal: @rukshaar000: http://instagram.com/rukshaar000/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Glitter-and-Gumdrops/752814761425036?ref=hl

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_yNsN-EvSRADSOyNbaU9A

Battle of the BB

Hey dolls! After much trial and error I’ve managed to find my TOP THREE BB CREAMS! Now I’m not going to bore you much! Heres a mini review of each! 😀


Maybelline Dream Fresh ( 8 in 1) BB cream: I’ve already done an exiting review on this one! https://rukshaar000.wordpress.com/2014/06/30/product-empty-maybelline-dream-fresh-bb-cream/

Australis All Over Face and Body Tint: THIS IS ACTUALLY A TINT! 😛 The texture of a foundation, but certainly not the coverage! Sweep this all over the face for an incredible glow! It makes an amazing dupe for Mac: All Over Face and Body Tint.

Designer Brands Tinted Moisturising Miracle BB Creme: Has the texture of cottage cheese but a lovely feel, coverage is excellent and it’s best blended out with a damp sponge!


I realise that this was brief, but I don’t want to bore you all with the writing, I would like to let the pictures speak for themselves. I’ve done a whole video on this if you need more information 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvZAoybEfus&index=1&list=UUm_yNsN-EvSRADSOyNbaU9A





I Almost Ate My Moisturiser!



In Fiji and many other tropical islands, mangos are one of the delicacies that can be found anywhere.. and I mean anywhere; on the streets, in the shops and if you were lucky one would pop up in your backyard.

Unfortunately, Australians just aren’t that lucky and most tropical fruit is regarded as too expensive and really not worth the money 😦

The Body Shop executed the smell and texture of this product extremely well, It smelt just like in my childhood when my mother would come home with a bag full of fresh mangos and would cut into it. The texture of it is very thick and very luxurious, which is amazing because you can have a pamper evening EVERY NIGHT!

I would defiantly recommend this to anyone who enjoys a pamper evening, and who can do with a bit of skin hydration 🙂


Instagram: @nishali1 http://instagram.com/nishali1

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_yNsN-EvSRADSOyNbaU9A

The Start of my New Fitness Journey! :)



Hello there amazing people!

So after my many emotional breakdowns due to my weight (yep, I’m there with you too sister!) my all to amazing boyfriend gave me a pep talk. Now, I’ve gotten a fair few pep talks in my life, but this one seemed different to me! :O After hitting a weight loss plateu last year my weight has plummeted to an all time high 😮

It took a while of battling my brain and my body to finally come to a decision to start up my weight loss journey once more and this time I’m going to get as much support and give as much support as I possibly can. I’m going to make a new blog ( branching off this one so don’t worry :p) dedicated especially to this topic!

If you guys want to join me in this journey then please go along and follow my new blog. Otherwise, stay tuned for more beauty related posts here!

Lots of love and care,


London Life…..




Hey gorgeous people! I received this lipstick as a gift and I’m okay with it!! I really do love the colour! But I would really prefer the Elizabeth Arden dupe for it 🙂 the formula was a tad grainy, and I’m not sure if I may have gotten a bad batch or something along those lines 😮

The lasting power is ordinary really 0.0 just like a normal lipstick was 🙂 all in all I enjoyed it! It wasn’t anything special! Has anyone else tried this? Did I get a bad batch? Let me know your thoughts guys 😮

Keep well you all!! 😮


Davidoff Cool Water ðŸ‘Œ



Hey gorgeous people! As mentioned before, I’m not too good with describing scents 😦 but I’m sure a quick google search with do the job with this one. I’ve has this perfume before but forgot the enchanting smell it had. With the sudden repurchase came the memories it carried with it all those years ago! ( does this happen to anyone else??)

The the only way that I can describe the smell is like sweet water, now I know that doesn’t sound appealing, but give it a sniff.. You never know :p

It’s a different scent and doesn’t appeal to all people ( as most scents) but it lingers on your body forever, and it’s so concentrated. If you get a chance… Defiantly try getting your hands on one!

Lots of love.

Battle of the Cleansing Water.


Hey beautiful people!

Sorry I’ve been away for a while and I’ve recently received the cult favourite Bioderma! I was using the dupe for this by Garnier and I honestly have to say that I wasn’t too impressed with bioderma. I have to say though I haven’t been using Bioderma for a very long time.


When I put on the Garnier water, it smells really pleasant and leaves a prominent tingly feeling on my face, which I do not get from bioderma. There is also the fact that Bioderma is significantly more expensive than the garnier water, and you get more product in the bottle.


Both waters get makeup off but I like using my waters as a toner, which the Garnier water does an excellent job as but no so much the bioderma.

I’m going to be doing an in depth review of both of these waters tomorrow. Have an amazing day guys!


Beckham Signature Perfume

Hey gorgeous people! Today I just wanted to share one of my most loved perfumes! It smells heavenly!! I received this as a gift and have been loving it ever since!

I’m not very good at describing perfume scents but it’s a beautiful sexy floral scent that lasts ages! I really hope you guys try it out! Tell me your thoughts!


